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What is Naloxone?
Naloxone is a medication designed to rapidly reverse opioid overdose. It binds to opioid receptors and can reverse or block the effects of other opioids, quickly restoring normal respiration to a person whose breathing has slowed or stopped due to overdosing with heroin or prescription opioid medications.
Download and Print your own NARCAN Pocket Card.
AA locations/Meetings
we are not affiliated with AA but want to offer this life-saving option
ISave Florida
Department of Children and Families
Foundation Scent - Created by Land of the Sky Blends (100% of revenue goes to foundation)
Wilderness Recovery Podcast
Dr. Phil
Cultivate Climbing
The Backpack workbook
Addiction Education and Links
Addiction is listed on the DSM V - Substance abuse and mental health disorders
Services are available through SAMHSA
Education is key in learning to live with addiction and the many faces it plays in our lives. Take time to research, read, study about addiction with the above link. Learn about the 12 steps of AA and Alanon for your families life. We are not affiliated with AA but want to offer this life saving option.